
Changes. Yep. Life keeps going and I’m just along for the ride with little control over the direction. And that needs changed because I’m not content with where that train is currently going. So first things first, a haircut.

“A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” – Coco Chanel

From long hair:


To this:


Big Change! Holy Curls Batman! This was a week ago right after my cut. Probably cut off 4 or 5 pounds. Since then I’ve been researching the curly girl method and made some flax seed gel last night. Bangs/Fringe/short hair covering my forehead is also a big change for me. The last time I had something like this was when I was growing out my hair in college (last two years in high school I had short spiky hair). Mr. EG has never seen me with hair this short. A week later and I’m (we’re) still getting used to this new look. This was the first change but also the easiest one to make.

Change #2: More exercise. I’ve been going to Yin Yoga twice a week for a while. This is a great stretch but it isn’t a workout. So more moving around to get my heart pumping. Why and I doing this? I still look fine but I’m starting to get slightly winded walking up shorter hills. This needs to change because it leads to the next change that’s needed.

Change #3: More Adventures. We’re living thousands and thousands of miles from where we grew up. On a completely different continent in fact.  Time to get off our butts and explore more of this crazy country. (Seriously the wildlife is so weird.) Hiking, biking, camping, boating we need to get out there. And make sure we have lots of sunscreen.

Change #4: Debt. Most of us have it, especially if you attended college in the US. I want ours to go away. This means extra income from my end is needed (no side jobs for Mr. Eg, the visa doesn’t allow it). My job search has been discouraging and disappointing and depressing. (It seems as if Australians love their degrees and certifications. “Certificate III in Administrative Assistant is required for this position”. Yep a true requirement I’ve seen plenty of. And at $5K per certificate level I’m not willing to spend that kind of dough for a job I’ve already done.) It might actually be time to start my own business. I’m open to suggestion on what it might be. It needs to be something that can move around the world with me as who knows where we’ll be living in two years. Something that I can do without having to get another degree.

So. Changes. Time to get started.

I’m open for suggestions! Have an inexpensive adventure suggestion for me? Or a business idea you think I would be amazing at? I’m all ears.

Because you need to see a picture of me fake eating my long hair.

Because you need to see a picture of me fake eating my long hair.








I’m 33 today. Never imagined I would be living in Australia and be warm enough to wear a skirt on my birthday. Usually I’m bundled up in at least 3 layers.  I’m enjoying the hot weather (Summer for XMas!) and the lightening show tonight.

First of the summer clouds.




Today is the “official” first day of Summer here in Australia. (No, not the solstice. That’s later in the month.) To celebrate I woke up around 5am this morning. By celebrate I mean woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. The sun rises around 4:45am this time of year and certain crazy people are up and being productive at that ungodly hour. 6am when the coffee shops open there’s usually at least one or two bicyclists waiting in their spandex. Me? Well, I usually sleep a few hours later and do brunch. I’ve never been a morning person.

One thing I like to do at any time of day is gaze at the sky and watch the clouds go by. There’s been times I’ve been on a run or just out and about and needed to stop and admire the beautiful sunset or a rainbow. And perhaps point it out to people with their heads down speeding busily on their way. Yes, it’s a need. Complete with ooooh’s and aaaaahhh’s.

Summer, my favorite season, welcome.

Friday Links

Flowers along South Bank, Brisbane, QLD.

I got sucked into the rabbit hole that is the internet. You know how it is. You start on a blog that you read every day. They have a link to an awesome blog post by someone else that they like and they have a link…. Anyhow, this is some of the awesome stuff that I want to share.

1. Empowering music video about women/girls/makeup/no makeup/beauty/self image. I may be living under a rock, I’ve never heard of this person before. I found this by following a link from #2 on my list.

2. Creating a capsule wardrobe. This is sounding like something I might actually do. I don’t own too many clothes but would like to refine my style a bit. I will need to buy a few things (I need some shoes and a nice jacket, like reeealy need a jacket!) but that can wait until I evaluate what I currently own (and articulate what I actually like to wear/what fits/is not worn out). My pickiness will be a big help here.

3. Reading this blog. Especially her creative coaching posts in the archives. Love, love, love her advice.

Yesterday I had one of the best yoga classes I’ve ever been to. The playlist was eccentric and amazing and is what made the class. Here’s three of the songs that I actually know (links to the videos):

Song 1 – (Not lyrics you would expect to hear in a yoga class but the overall sound fits.)

Song 2 – (Reminded me of my 2nd grade holiday show. I wore a white skirt, shoes, and top and “danced” to this song. Also reminded me to be happy and smile more. )

Song 3 – (We were in sphinx pose when this came on and I just busted up laughing when I heard it. Tears were running down my face.)

Best. Class. Ever. I had a smile on my face the rest of the day and I’m still smiling when I think of it.


I’m off to a BBQ tonight and another get together tomorrow. Who liked the songs/videos I linked to? Song three also brought back memories of childhood. Is that just an American cultural thing or do any Aussies remember that show?  Any link love you want to share?



Bedroom Progress

Four months and we’re still settling in. We bought some nice wooden side tables from someone off of Gumtree (the Australian equivalent of Craigslist). I’m still looking for lamps as the overhead light is too much for nighttime reading. No bed frame yet either, just the mattress directly on the carpet. I still have that huge blanket I crocheted while living in Baltimore.



On the weekends we like to wander around the city and find places that are new to us. Usually that includes a local bar with good brews on tap. A few weeks ago while out and about I found some European size pillow shams while checking out a thrift store. So naturally the search was on for some inserts. I finally found some that were on sale for the Queen’s Birthday holiday. They’re goose feather.


Didn’t think I would ever buy feather pillows, but they’re supposed to last a lot longer than the poly fill stuff and hold shape better. There’s times I would much rather buy something that’s a bit more expensive and going to last a lot longer than buy something that will go into a landfill in 6 months.


These shams were a lucky find. Simple with a nice texture and pattern.



So far so good. The new pillows add some firmness and are great for reading in bed. I will say that right out of the bag they do have that typical feather smell. (Same smell as a down filled sleeping bag or puffy coats.) It’s just slightly noticeable. This is the first time we’ve used pillows of this size and type so I’ll post an update in a few months about how they’re holding up. If anyone if Australia wants to buy some of these pillow inserts I bought them online here and they’re still on sale as I post this.

Do people in Australia wear down filled puffy coats? I used to own one when we lived in Philadelphia where the winter was cold, snowy and windy.  It was nice and warm until it got ripped apart.  I swear that crochet ripple blanket will last until I’m at least 50 and maybe longer. It’s huge and should fit a king size bed. Took forever to make. Apparently I didn’t blog about it? Anyhow it’s on Ravelry here if you’re interested in seeing my notes on it. 

Over the Ocean Shawl




This shawl has caused me some frustration but it’s finally done and blocked.  And it was finished in time for happy hour drinks on Friday. The pattern is Over the Willamette by Jenn Wolfe Kaiser and I used Superwash Merino Lace by Tess’ Designer Yarns for most of it (I love her colors). A  tiny bit of Cascade Forrest Hills was used just for the last row as I ran out of useable yarn.

Initially there would have been enough yarn to finish this project. However, I had started a different shawl pattern with this yarn and decided I didn’t like the way it was looking and so ripped it out. And I’m sure having this yarn in storage IN A SKEIN for almost 4 years did nothing for it. Not to mention that I had to rip out rows several times because of mistakes (so frustrating when I miss stitches). Needless to say, some yarn didn’t make it. Anyhow, the Cascade blends beautifully and this project is done!

Funny photo cause I can.  This is the first pattern that I’ve actually paid money for. $4.50 USD isn’t much but usually I choose free patterns or borrow books from the library. I bought this because I saw others using multicolored yarn  and getting beautiful results. I’ll be making at least one more. But not yet. I’m done with lace for a few weeks.


Tuesday Tour: The Office

The day our stuff was delivered there were few things in our office. By office I mean the room formally designated as master bedroom. It has a large window that lets in a ton of bright light in the morning and perfect light in the afternoon. Perfect light for taking photographs. Made more sense to us to use it as an office than a bedroom.


As I was unpacking a few things made their way in there.

The next day I used some of the book boxes to “make” storage “shelves”.

Some craft and art supplies were in our shipment and I needed some way to contain it for the time being.




There’s too much cardboard all over the place and too many white walls.

I felt the need for some color on the walls so made some chevrons.

Currently, this is how it looks. Yep, really messy. I didn’t tidy up before shooting these photos. You know, just keeping it real. Eventually, I’d like to get better storage for all the supplies (maybe a few of these?). Or maybe do something better with the boxes. In any case this room is nowhere close to done.

If anyone is wondering, the furniture is all from IKEA. The metal wastebasket (or rubbish bin) was found in the garden section.

It’s like Christmas!

Our stuff has arrived! Super happy to have our possessions in our possession again. Yesterday around 12:30 we received 13 boxes of stuff. Actually 1 mattress, and 12 boxes.

There has been one causality so far.

Poor little bowl. We’ll try to glue it back together.

Kitchen stuff and decorative items!

Pretty sure customs checked out out camping and hiking gear. (There’s no way we would have left the bags open.)

This is the frame and artwork box. No glass was harmed in the shipment of this box! Some Most of these frames have been filled with the same photographs since we lived in Philadelphia. I’m already considering which photos to change.

Lately, when people ask me what I do they get the response, “I make messes”. Eventually they get cleaned up. Which is something I’m off to do right now.