Friday Links

Flowers along South Bank, Brisbane, QLD.

I got sucked into the rabbit hole that is the internet. You know how it is. You start on a blog that you read every day. They have a link to an awesome blog post by someone else that they like and they have a link…. Anyhow, this is some of the awesome stuff that I want to share.

1. Empowering music video about women/girls/makeup/no makeup/beauty/self image. I may be living under a rock, I’ve never heard of this person before. I found this by following a link from #2 on my list.

2. Creating a capsule wardrobe. This is sounding like something I might actually do. I don’t own too many clothes but would like to refine my style a bit. I will need to buy a few things (I need some shoes and a nice jacket, like reeealy need a jacket!) but that can wait until I evaluate what I currently own (and articulate what I actually like to wear/what fits/is not worn out). My pickiness will be a big help here.

3. Reading this blog. Especially her creative coaching posts in the archives. Love, love, love her advice.

Yesterday I had one of the best yoga classes I’ve ever been to. The playlist was eccentric and amazing and is what made the class. Here’s three of the songs that I actually know (links to the videos):

Song 1 – (Not lyrics you would expect to hear in a yoga class but the overall sound fits.)

Song 2 – (Reminded me of my 2nd grade holiday show. I wore a white skirt, shoes, and top and “danced” to this song. Also reminded me to be happy and smile more. )

Song 3 – (We were in sphinx pose when this came on and I just busted up laughing when I heard it. Tears were running down my face.)

Best. Class. Ever. I had a smile on my face the rest of the day and I’m still smiling when I think of it.


I’m off to a BBQ tonight and another get together tomorrow. Who liked the songs/videos I linked to? Song three also brought back memories of childhood. Is that just an American cultural thing or do any Aussies remember that show?  Any link love you want to share?



Doily on display.

I’ve got a crochet doily (the blue one) in a museum; the Queensland Art GOMA!

It’s part of the ‘Fallen Fruit of Brisbane: Pineapple Express’ display. (I’m even in the website highlights!)


The main exhibit, “Harvest” is up until September 21st. If you’re in the Brisbane area stop by and check it out. This exhibit is free (love me some free!) and there’s also an interesting music exhibit upstairs as well. Make sure you check out the video of people singing and dancing to Thriller.

Nope, not paid for this. Actually I follow QAGOMA on Instagram and saw that they were accepting submissions of pineapple themed stuff from locals. The Petite Pineapple Doily had been in my Ravelry queue for ages and I thought ‘why not?’. Thanks goes out to Priscilla Hewett for permission to submit this design!