Tuesday Tour: The Office

The day our stuff was delivered there were few things in our office. By office I mean the room formally designated as master bedroom. It has a large window that lets in a ton of bright light in the morning and perfect light in the afternoon. Perfect light for taking photographs. Made more sense to us to use it as an office than a bedroom.


As I was unpacking a few things made their way in there.

The next day I used some of the book boxes to “make” storage “shelves”.

Some craft and art supplies were in our shipment and I needed some way to contain it for the time being.




There’s too much cardboard all over the place and too many white walls.

I felt the need for some color on the walls so made some chevrons.

Currently, this is how it looks. Yep, really messy. I didn’t tidy up before shooting these photos. You know, just keeping it real. Eventually, I’d like to get better storage for all the supplies (maybe a few of these?). Or maybe do something better with the boxes. In any case this room is nowhere close to done.

If anyone is wondering, the furniture is all from IKEA. The metal wastebasket (or rubbish bin) was found in the garden section.

Simple stamps

I had an extra wine cork or two floating around and saw a tutorial somewhere around in the blogverse about making them into stamps.  It’s pretty easy to do and doesn’t take too long to make.  A marker, x-acto knife, wine/beer cork, and cutting surface are the only supplies you’ll need to make the stamps. (Of course, some sort of pigment and surface to stamp on are also needed!)

Draw your design. Simple designs are easiest. I made a star and a heart.

Cut away the extra material.  Either inside or outside the lines. (Yes, do be careful with the sharp knife, and keep your fingers away from the edge that you’re cutting. It’s easy for the knife to slip and cut your fingers instead of cork).

cork cut from the outside of the heart

I tried to make sure that enough cork was cut away for good definition.

side view...

Stamp away! I tried some calligraphy ink, which worked ok if I used a paintbrush to apply it to the stamp.  Acrylic paint was faster and provided more intensity. I just used what I had lying around (as I’m trying to use up some of the stuff I’ve had for a long time). Have fun trying out whatever you have on hand.

heart stamp with ink (applied to stamp with paintbrush)

heart stamp with acrylic paint

star stamp with acrylic paint

As you can see, the star stamp was made by removing the cork from inside the lines, which was a bit trickier.  This left the outside as the original circle shape. Of the two, this one is my favorite. 😉

Simple autumn decoration for my staircase.

I’ve been wanting to use up my art supplies.  Some of them I’ve had for close to 10 years.  My acrylic paint has been hanging out in my art bin for around 9. Way, way too long.  So what to do? Make a paper chain of course!

Super simple and something that I haven’t done in ages (I think everyone makes these in elementary school, which was most likely the last time I made one).  Not only does it liven up my bland staircase, it did use up a fair amount of paint.  Just the results I was looking for.